What is Corten Steel?
Corten Steel (sometimes known as weathered steel) is a group of steel alloys that are often used in outdoor construction. Corten Steel was designed to eliminate the need for painting and if left outside, exposed to the elements, they will develop a rusted appearance in just a few months.

I was looking up some information on Corten Steel, is it true that Corten Steel is owned by U.S. Steel?
In the 1930’s, U.S. Steel developed a commodity that they named Corten Steel.
The product was originally designed to help build railroad coal wagons.
The success of the coal wagons led to it being a prominent material for
outdoor art projects during the 1960’s. In America, you can still find
some early examples of the delicacy of Corten Steel structures.

Is Corten Steel still around? Can you actually buy Corten Steel?
U.S. Steel holds the registered trademark on the name COR-TEN.
COR-TEN refers to corrosion resistance and tensile strength. USS sold
its discrete plate business to International Steel Group, USS still
sells branded material in strip-mill plate and sheet forms. So to get
back to your question, no, COR-TEN is not available. What is available
is steel in an ASTM A606-4, A588, and A847 finish. If somebody tells you
that they are supplying you COR-TEN they are almost certainly unaware
of their own product. When someone needs COR-TEN they are usually
referring to A606 Type 4, A588, or A847.

A606 Type 4? A588? A847 ? What are you talking about? Can you give me more information on what I can actually purchase and what I can use this material for?
Weathering steels, such as ASTM A847, A588,
A242, A606 and COR-TEN exhibit superior corrosion resistance over
regular carbon steel as a result of the development of a protective
oxide film on the metals surface which slows down future corrosion.
A606-4 steel is available in metal roofing/siding panels, standing seam
panels, flat sheets, and coil form. If you are looking for a panel that
will give you a rustic look the two best options are bare cold rolled
finish and A606. A606-4 will cost more, but it definitely will last
longer. Original COR-TEN received the standard designation A242 (COR-TEN
“A”) from the ASTM International Standards Group. Newer ASTM grades are
A588 (COR-TEN “B”) which is normally heavier gauge plates and A606 for
lighter gauge flat sheets. ASTM A847 is used for pipe and tube. All
alloys are in common production and use.

Corten Steel sounds great! I understand they use it for sculptures and structures, it seems like a very natural selection if you are looking at outdoor building. Are there any disadvantages to Corten or Weathered Steel?
Just like anything else, there will always be
advantages and disadvantages. Using weathering steel in construction can
present several challenges. One challenge can be the weld-points that
weather at the same rate as the other materials may require special
welding techniques. Also, weathering steel is not 100% rustproof, if
water is allowed to accumulate in pockets, those areas may experience
higher corrosion rates, but as long as provisions for drainage are made
you will be in business. Besides that, the increased resistance of
Corten Steel to atmospheric corrosion makes this product a great choice
for the builder. The layer protecting the surface develops and
regenerates continuously when subjected to the influence of weather; the
steel is allowed to rust in order to form the protective coating.
have questions? For more information about Corten Weathering Steel,
please feel free to contact our customer service representatives.
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over 20 years, we have serviced homeowners, metal roofers, general
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roofing products at prices direct from the manufacturer.
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(877) 787-5467